Forthcoming guitar festivals and shows around the world...

Updated 21 October 2014

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7-30 November 2014

International Guitar Festival

International Guitar Festival of Great Britain


A month of events including concerts and workshops incl. JOAN ARMATRADING, ANDY FAIRWEATHER-LOW, PAUL CARRACK and others.


Acoustic guitar event Electric guitar event

Guitar Shows 2014

Northern Guitar Shows

Sunday 5 October 2014, 10am to 4pm, The Leeds Bradford Guitar Show, Pudsey Civic Hall, Dawsons Corner, Pudsey, LS28 5TA
Sunday, 23rd November 2014, 10am to 4pm, Aintree Racecourse Exhibition Centre, Ormskirk Rd, Liverpool, L9 5AS




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All listings E&OE. Please check event websites for latest updates.